Thursday, January 18, 2007
Posted by Break from Sanity @ 12:49 PM
One such is Korea, seems like so far away....has it really been 17 years ago when I was in Korea?
I think I was, what...hmmm, 19 or 20 years old here in this picture.
Yes, I realize that is not regulation head gear, not unless the Army adpoted No Beer, No Work" as normal head gear for soldiers. [chuckles]
Ungh, do you realize I could drink most adults under the table and then some at age 19 just from being in Korea? There was not that much to do when your base is so close to the DMZ and out in the boonies. At 20 years old, after I got back to the States, my next duty station ended up being Fort Campbell, KY and I met up with a buddy of mine that just got back from Turkey...between the both of us, we drank 13 pitchers of beer.
2nd Infantry Division.
Man I was so proud to wear that patch, it was like a badge of honor.
I guess it was party cause I am part Indian myself, it felt like fate I suppose.
Ah, too funny, ran across someone from the Silver Star Outlaws in Korea, seems this person built a website for those in '97. I can probably add pictures from my day in '90, by the way, I had 2 names, "Roo" and "Shutterbug". I was always taking pictures...[chuckles]
Silver Star Outlaws was a Korean Bar outside of Camp Casey (pictured above), which was about 2 hours east of where I was stationed at Camp Edwards. The Korean city was Dongducheon, or commonly referred to us as, the TDC.
Hmmm, doing a little searching ran me into a few more Silver Star Outlaw member sites, Brians' page has some pics of the bar and a few Silver Star Outlaws.
Definately a special group. A home away from home.
Hmmm, doing a little more research seeing if I can find more pictures on the net to show you, found that Camp Edwards seems to have been closed and given back to South Korea.
Well, I will see if I can dig up some of the "interesting" pictures of what soldiers do when off duty...and post some of them. [laughs]
Meanwhile head on over to my Tenant and go check out her blog.
Go on, you know your curious...c'mon click it.....
Need to make sure she gets her moneys worth and I do so try......